How much pain do you have to go through until giving up is okay ?
No matter how hard you try
you can never make someone love you
He SHOWED ME that he does not love me
...silly me...I ignored how bad he treated me, I was so in love.
...He expected things to change without putting in any effort.
I have to move on because this is pointless.
I should have never put him first
because I always came last
I should have never give my all
if I only was getting less
...He has giving me 1000 reason not to love him.
Once he stopped saying Good Morning and Good Night
I knew it was over
I am a loyal person, but he has pushed me to the point I no longer care.
No one is really that busy , i realized I am not on his priority list.
This is the WORST relationship I ever been in.
From a fairy-tale to a nightmare
I do not need a superficial relationship
I want a real relationship, with real love
WHATEVER this is
it is not for me
I am too full of life to be HALF LOVED
Ezzy ƸӜƷ