I have heard it said that the greatest loss a human being can experience is the loss of a child.
This is true.
it doesn't just change you, it demolishes you.
The rest of your life is spent on another level.
No matter what anybody says about grief and about time healing all wounds,
the truth is,
there are certain sorrows that never fade away until the heart stops beating and the last breath s taken.
Anyone who has lost a loved one knows
that you don't recover,
Instead, you learn to incorporate their absence
and memories into your life
and channel your emotional energy
toward others,
and eventually,
your grief will walk beside you instead of consuming you.
I will never stop grieving over you
because I will never stop loving you
Not all scars show
Not all wounds heal
Often we don't see the pain someone feels
Time doesn't heal anything
it just teaches us
to live with the pain
There is one thing that changed when you left...