All thought, good and bad, is creative. Think on or worry about something long enough and you create it - or make a bad situation worse. The key to real emotional independence lies in knowing that at every moment in every instance you are creating your own reality from the thoughts you entertain. The more you acknowledge this truth the more power and freedom you will experience. And instead of blaming others or society for the things that go wrong in your life you now realise you are creating your own reality and therefore have the power to change it any time by any degree.
Begin to improve the quality of your life by replacing each negative thought with a positive one.
Negative thoughts are not bad they are simply warning you about something that needs your attention. Take care of it and move on - if you ignore the cracks in the walls, don't be surprised when the roof falls in.
"Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will." ~ George Bernard Shaw