Promise yourself things will change this time, and you will start taking care of yourself .
Promise yourself you will start eating healthier and taking care of your body.
Promise yourself you will make sure you get enough sleep and you will focus on thoughts that build you up instead of thoughts that tear down and eat you up inside.
Promise to be gentle and kind to yourself, and to remind yourself that you are doing the best you can and although you are still growing and improving ,in this very moment, you are enough.
Promise yourself you will learn to love yourself enough to keep the promises you make yourself.
If you ever feel so small and insignificant, just remember that you have something inside of you that makes the universe up. You have galaxies under your skin; you have stars in your eyes. you are composed of atoms from collisions of solar system billions and millions of light years away. You were never too small for something. You are the entire cosmos, dear.

Brave girl, you were made for far more beautiful things, chaos is only understood when it is loved by the wild, not the weak.